Welcome to the fun part 1Okay, opinions on this might vary, but I can’t be the only one out there who enjoys this!. This site is dedicated to identifying trade-offs that you can make to get more out of your savings and get the most value (based on your personal goals) out of your spending. Whether it is finding a way to get more for less or realizing just how quickly I could reach my goal if I said “no” to that one little thing, the process of transforming unconscious habits into intentional decisions is one of the most rewarding parts of helping people with their finances.
The process of transforming unconscious habits into intentional decisions is one of the most rewarding parts of helping people with their finances.
A Wise Guy
We spend money in a lot of areas, so in an effort to not miss anything, we’ve created a number of “checklist” articles aimed at enumerating a host of places where we spend money, and a list of opportunities for each of them to spend less. As we’ll undoubtedly say again, not every opportunity is for every person, but hopefully it will help you consider your own spending, and find some specific actions that you can take to better align your goals with your spending.
One thing I find particularly helpful is to have a point of comparison. For this site, I am using publicly available numbers from the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics to give you some point of comparison for how your spending may stack up in a given area.
Ready to jump in? Let’s get started!
Save More
Spending Trade-offs

Source: BLS.Gov https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/cesan.pdf